Teach For America California Capital Valley

Resources and Free Things

Updated 4/6/23

Participate to Receive a $45 Amazon Gift Card

Give quick feedback on a new alumni created Ed Tech app and get $45! A group of TFA alum working on a new ed tech app are looking for teachers and ed leaders to interview about tech practices and do user testing. If you’re interested in participating in a 45-minute interview, please complete the Google Form. Selected participants will receive a $45 Amazon gift card as a thank you for their participation.

Click here to participate

Complete a Survey to Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card

TFA Alum Morgan Bessette, is a doctoral candidate who is currently seeking 6th-12th grade educators (current or former) to participate in her dissertation research on ADHD and classroom-based self-monitoring interventions. The survey is estimated to take about 20 minutes to complete, and compensation for participation includes entry to a drawing for one of four $50 gift cards to Amazon. If you are interested in participating, please follow

Click here to participate

LinkedIn Professional Development Webinar

Join us for a free webinar on April 20th at 4:00pm ET and hear from Omar Garriott as he discusses career paths for TFA alumni and reviews LinkedIn profile must-dos (and don’t-dos). Omar will guide us through the latest tips and tricks to make the most of the platform favored by recruiters. These strategies will help you stand out no matter where you are in your career and job search, including in this busy season of recruiting for school-based roles. By the end, you will know how to get found, considered, and hired for the job you want, every time! 

Click here to register

Join The Collective Action Project!

On average 25% of menstruating students miss class due to lack of access to sanitary products, washing facilities, and waste management making period poverty a barrier to equitable access to education. This barrier to education equity is crippling to our students’ physical and mental health, and overall academic success. With the hope reaching as many as we can, The Collective is teaming up with PERIOD. and dedicating our 2023 Collective Action Project to educating others on the issue of period poverty and taking concrete action to help breakdown this barrier to equitable access to education. Our first stop is Jackson, Mississippi but we need your help to get needed products to our students.

As Mississippi currently does not require period products in schools, we are calling on education advocates to purchase at least one product to ensure that menstruating students don’t miss anymore school due to lack of access to products. Your donation will be shared directly with schools in Jackson, MS, providing school nurses with the products they need to support their students. #EndPeriodPoverty #TheCollectiveActs

Click here to donate products